This paper presents a novel method for information interpretability in an MC-SEFRON classifier. To develop a method to extract knowledge stored in a trained classifier, first, the binary-class SEFRON classifier developed earlier is extended to handle multi-class problems. MC-SEFRON uses the population encoding scheme to encode the real-valued input data into spike patterns. MC-SEFRON is trained using the same supervised learning rule used in the SEFRON. After training, the proposed method extracts the knowledge for a given class stored in the classifier by mapping the weighted postsynaptic potential in the time domain to the feature domain as Feature Strength Functions (FSFs). A set of FSFs corresponding to each output class represents the extracted knowledge from the classifier. This knowledge encoding method is derived to maintain consistency between the classification in the time domain and the feature domain. The correctness of the FSF is quantitatively measured by using FSF directly for classification tasks. For a given input, each FSF is sampled at the input value to obtain the corresponding feature strength value (FSV). Then the aggregated FSVs obtained for each class are used to determine the output class labels during classification. FSVs are also used to interpret the predictions during the classification task. Using ten UCI datasets and the MNIST dataset, the knowledge extraction method, interpretation and the reliability of the FSF are demonstrated. Based on the studies, it can be seen that on an average, the difference in the classification accuracies using the FSF directly and those obtained by MC-SEFRON is only around 0.9% & 0.1\% for the UCI datasets and the MNIST dataset respectively. This clearly shows that the knowledge represented by the FSFs has acceptable reliability and the interpretability of classification using the classifier's knowledge has been justified.