A 2030 United States Macro Grid Unlocking Geographical Diversity to Accomplish Clean Energy Goals

19 Nov 2022  ·  Yixing Xu, Daniel Olsen, Bainan Xia, Dan Livengood, Victoria Hunt, YiFan Li, Lane Smith ·

Some U.S. states have set clean energy goals and targets in an effort to decarbonize their electricity sectors. There are many reasons for such goals and targets, including the increasingly apparent effects of climate change. A handful of states (Washington, California, New York, and Virginia) are aiming for deep decarbonization by 2050 or earlier, a mere 30 years or less from today. The urgency of substantial carbon emissions reduction (50% or more by 2030) needed to avoid catastrophic climate impacts requires even more ambitious efforts than some of the original targets (e.g., a 30% renewable portfolio standard) set for between now and 2030. With the cost of solar and wind energy falling faster than expected in recent years, economics are also driving rapid expansion of clean energy investments. With this in mind, this report examines combinations of interregional AC and High-Voltage DC (HVDC) transmission upgrades and additions to evaluate the benefits of large-scale transmission expansion.

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