A Multi-modal one-class generative adversarial network for anomaly detection in manufacturing
One class anomaly detection on high-dimensional data is one of the critical issue in both fundamental machine learning research area and manufacturing applica- tions. A good anomaly detection should accurately discriminate anomalies from normal data. Although most previous anomaly detection methods achieve good performances, they do not perform well on high-dimensional imbalanced data- set 1) with a limited amount of data; 2) multi-modal distribution; 3) few anomaly data. In this paper, we develop a multi-modal one-class generative adversarial net- work based detector (MMOC-GAN) to distinguish anomalies from normal data (products). Apart from a domain-specific feature extractor, our model leverage a generative adversarial network(GAN). The generator takes in a modified noise vector using a pseudo latent prior and generate samples at the low-density area of the given normal data to simulate the anomalies. The discriminator then is trained to distinguish the generate samples from the normal samples. Since the generated samples simulate the low density area for each modal, the discriminator could directly detect anomalies from normal data. Experiments demonstrate that our model outperforms the state-of-the-art one-class classification models and other anomaly detection methods on both normal data and anomalies accuracy, as well as the F1 score. Also, the generated samples can fully capture the low density area of different types of products.
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