A Novel Decentralized Algorithm for Coordinating the Optimal Power and Traffic Flows with EVs based on Variable Inner Loop Selection
The electric power distribution network (PDN) and the transportation network (TN) are generally operated/coordinated by different entities. However, they are coupled with each other due to electric vehicle charging stations (EVCSs). This paper proposes to coordinate the operation of the two systems via a fully decentralized framework where the PDN and TN operators solve their own operation problems by sharing only limited information. Nevertheless, the operation problems generally are in mixed-integer programming (MIP) form. To the best of our knowledge, the most existing decentralized/distributed optimization algorithms, such as the alternating direction method of multipliers (ADMM), are not always guaranteed to converge for such MIP problems. Therefore, a novel fully decentralized optimization algorithm is proposed, whose contributions include: 1) it is applicable to MIP problems with convergence and optimality guaranteed for mild assumptions, 2) it only requires limited information exchange between PDN and TN operators, which will help preserve the privacy of the two systems and reduce the investment in building communication channels, and 3) it is fully decentralized so that all the computations are carried out by PDN operator and TN coordinator only. Simulations on the test cases show the efficiency and efficacy of the proposed framework and algorithm.
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