AmbiSep: Ambisonic-to-Ambisonic Reverberant Speech Separation Using Transformer Networks

13 Jun 2022  ·  Adrian Herzog, Srikanth Raj Chetupalli, Emanuël A. P. Habets ·

Consider a multichannel Ambisonic recording containing a mixture of several reverberant speech signals. Retreiving the reverberant Ambisonic signals corresponding to the individual speech sources blindly from the mixture is a challenging task as it requires to estimate multiple signal channels for each source. In this work, we propose AmbiSep, a deep neural network-based plane-wave domain masking approach to solve this task. The masking network uses learned feature representations and transformers in a triple-path processing configuration. We train and evaluate the proposed network architecture on a spatialized WSJ0-2mix dataset, and show that the method achieves a multichannel scale-invariant signal-to-distortion ratio improvement of 17.7 dB on the blind test set, while preserving the spatial characteristics of the separated sounds.

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