Analysis Of Multi Field Of View Cnn And Attention Cnn On H&E Stained Whole-slide Images On Hepatocellular Carcinoma
Hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) is a leading cause of cancer-related death worldwide. Whole-slide imaging which is a method of scanning glass slides have been employed for diagnosis of HCC. Using high resolution Whole-slide images is infeasible for Convolutional Neural Network applications. Hence tiling the Whole-slide images is a common methodology for assigning Convolutional Neural Networks for classification and segmentation. Determination of the tile size affects the performance of the algorithms since small field of view can not capture the information on a larger scale and large field of view can not capture the information on a cellular scale. In this work, the effect of tile size on performance for classification problem is analysed. In addition, Multi Field of View CNN is assigned for taking advantage of the information provided by different tile sizes and Attention CNN is assigned for giving the capability of voting most contributing tile size. It is found that employing more than one tile size significantly increases the performance of the classification by 3.97% and both algorithms are found successful over the algorithm which uses only one tile size.
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