AnthroNet: Conditional Generation of Humans via Anthropometrics
We present a novel human body model formulated by an extensive set of anthropocentric measurements, which is capable of generating a wide range of human body shapes and poses. The proposed model enables direct modeling of specific human identities through a deep generative architecture, which can produce humans in any arbitrary pose. It is the first of its kind to have been trained end-to-end using only synthetically generated data, which not only provides highly accurate human mesh representations but also allows for precise anthropometry of the body. Moreover, using a highly diverse animation library, we articulated our synthetic humans' body and hands to maximize the diversity of the learnable priors for model training. Our model was trained on a dataset of $100k$ procedurally-generated posed human meshes and their corresponding anthropometric measurements. Our synthetic data generator can be used to generate millions of unique human identities and poses for non-commercial academic research purposes.
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Introduced in the Paper:
Unity Synthetic Humans