Attention-Set based Metric Learning for Video Face Recognition
Face recognition has made great progress with the development of deep learning. However, video face recognition (VFR) is still an ongoing task due to various illumination, low-resolution, pose variations and motion blur. Most existing CNN-based VFR methods only obtain a feature vector from a single image and simply aggregate the features in a video, which less consider the correlations of face images in one video. In this paper, we propose a novel Attention-Set based Metric Learning (ASML) method to measure the statistical characteristics of image sets. It is a promising and generalized extension of Maximum Mean Discrepancy with memory attention weighting. First, we define an effective distance metric on image sets, which explicitly minimizes the intra-set distance and maximizes the inter-set distance simultaneously. Second, inspired by Neural Turing Machine, a Memory Attention Weighting is proposed to adapt set-aware global contents. Then ASML is naturally integrated into CNNs, resulting in an end-to-end learning scheme. Our method achieves state-of-the-art performance for the task of video face recognition on the three widely used benchmarks including YouTubeFace, YouTube Celebrities and Celebrity-1000.
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