Audio-Visual Event Recognition through the lens of Adversary

15 Nov 2020  ·  Juncheng B Li, Kaixin Ma, Shuhui Qu, Po-Yao Huang, Florian Metze ·

As audio/visual classification models are widely deployed for sensitive tasks like content filtering at scale, it is critical to understand their robustness along with improving the accuracy. This work aims to study several key questions related to multimodal learning through the lens of adversarial noises: 1) The trade-off between early/middle/late fusion affecting its robustness and accuracy 2) How do different frequency/time domain features contribute to the robustness? 3) How do different neural modules contribute to the adversarial noise? In our experiment, we construct adversarial examples to attack state-of-the-art neural models trained on Google AudioSet. We compare how much attack potency in terms of adversarial perturbation of size $\epsilon$ using different $L_p$ norms we would need to "deactivate" the victim model. Using adversarial noise to ablate multimodal models, we are able to provide insights into what is the best potential fusion strategy to balance the model parameters/accuracy and robustness trade-off and distinguish the robust features versus the non-robust features that various neural networks model tend to learn.

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