Automatic Salient Object Detection for Panoramic Images Using Region Growing and Fixation Prediction Model
Almost all previous works on saliency detection have been dedicated to conventional images, however, with the outbreak of panoramic images due to the rapid development of VR or AR technology, it is becoming more challenging, meanwhile valuable for extracting salient contents in panoramic images. In this paper, we propose a novel bottom-up salient object detection framework for panoramic images. First, we employ a spatial density estimation method to roughly extract object proposal regions, with the help of region growing algorithm. Meanwhile, an eye fixation model is utilized to predict visually attractive parts in the image from the perspective of the human visual search mechanism. Then, the previous results are combined by the maxima normalization to get the coarse saliency map. Finally, a refinement step based on geodesic distance is utilized for post-processing to derive the final saliency map. To fairly evaluate the performance of the proposed approach, we propose a high-quality dataset of panoramic images (SalPan). Extensive evaluations demonstrate the effectiveness of our proposed method on panoramic images and the superiority of the proposed method against other methods.
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