
BDFA: A Blind Data Adversarial Bit-flip Attack on Deep Neural Networks

Adversarial bit-flip attack (BFA) on Neural Network weights can result in catastrophic accuracy degradation by flipping a very small number of bits. A major drawback of prior bit flip attack techniques is their reliance on test data. This is frequently not possible for applications that contain sensitive or proprietary data. In this paper, we propose Blind Data Adversarial Bit-flip Attack (BDFA), a novel technique to enable BFA without any access to the training or testing data. This is achieved by optimizing for a synthetic dataset, which is engineered to match the statistics of batch normalization across different layers of the network and the targeted label. Experimental results show that BDFA could decrease the accuracy of ResNet50 significantly from 75.96\% to 13.94\% with only 4 bits flips.

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