Call-sign recognition and understanding for noisy air-traffic transcripts using surveillance information

13 Apr 2022  ·  Alexander Blatt, Martin Kocour, Karel Veselý, Igor Szöke, Dietrich Klakow ·

Air traffic control (ATC) relies on communication via speech between pilot and air-traffic controller (ATCO). The call-sign, as unique identifier for each flight, is used to address a specific pilot by the ATCO. Extracting the call-sign from the communication is a challenge because of the noisy ATC voice channel and the additional noise introduced by the receiver. A low signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) in the speech leads to high word error rate (WER) transcripts. We propose a new call-sign recognition and understanding (CRU) system that addresses this issue. The recognizer is trained to identify call-signs in noisy ATC transcripts and convert them into the standard International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) format. By incorporating surveillance information, we can multiply the call-sign accuracy (CSA) up to a factor of four. The introduced data augmentation adds additional performance on high WER transcripts and allows the adaptation of the model to unseen airspaces.

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