Can ChatGPT advance software testing intelligence? An experience report on metamorphic testing
While ChatGPT is a well-known artificial intelligence chatbot being used to answer human's questions, one may want to discover its potential in advancing software testing. We examine the capability of ChatGPT in advancing the intelligence of software testing through a case study on metamorphic testing (MT), a state-of-the-art software testing technique. We ask ChatGPT to generate candidates of metamorphic relations (MRs), which are basically necessary properties of the object program and which traditionally require human intelligence to identify. These MR candidates are then evaluated in terms of correctness by domain experts. We show that ChatGPT can be used to generate new correct MRs to test several software systems. Having said that, the majority of MR candidates are either defined vaguely or incorrect, especially for systems that have never been tested with MT. ChatGPT can be used to advance software testing intelligence by proposing MR candidates that can be later adopted for implementing tests; but human intelligence should still inevitably be involved to justify and rectify their correctness.
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