Coil Reweighting to Suppress Motion Artifacts in Real-Time Exercise Cine Imaging

Background: Accelerated real-time cine (RT-Cine) imaging enables cardiac function assessment without the need for breath-holding. However, when performed during in-magnet exercise, RT-Cine images may exhibit significant motion artifacts. Methods: By projecting the time-averaged images to the subspace spanned by the coil sensitivity maps, we propose a coil reweighting (CR) method to automatically suppress a subset of receive coils that introduces a high level of artifacts in the reconstructed image. RT-Cine data collected at rest and during exercise from ten healthy volunteers and six patients were utilized to assess the performance of the proposed method. One short-axis and one two-chamber RT-Cine series reconstructed with and without CR from each subject were visually scored by two cardiologists in terms of the level of artifacts on a scale of 1 (worst) to 5 (best). Results: For healthy volunteers, applying CR to RT-Cine images collected at rest did not significantly change the image quality score (p=1). In contrast, for RT-Cine images collected during exercise, CR significantly improved the score from 3.9 to 4.68 (p<0.001). Similarly, in patients, CR did not significantly change the score for images collected at rest (p=0.031) but markedly improved the score from 3.15 to 4.42 (p<0.001) for images taken during exercise. Despite lower image quality scores in the patient cohort compared to healthy subjects, likely due to larger body habitus and the difficulty of limiting body motion during exercise, CR effectively suppressed motion artifacts, with all image series from the patient cohort receiving a score of four or higher. Conclusion: Using data from healthy subjects and patients, we demonstrate that the motion artifacts in the reconstructed RT-Cine images can be effectively suppressed significantly with the proposed CR method.

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