Constant Factor Approximation for Balanced Cut in the PIE model
We propose and study a new semi-random semi-adversarial model for Balanced Cut, a planted model with permutation-invariant random edges (PIE). Our model is much more general than planted models considered previously. Consider a set of vertices V partitioned into two clusters $L$ and $R$ of equal size. Let $G$ be an arbitrary graph on $V$ with no edges between $L$ and $R$. Let $E_{random}$ be a set of edges sampled from an arbitrary permutation-invariant distribution (a distribution that is invariant under permutation of vertices in $L$ and in $R$). Then we say that $G + E_{random}$ is a graph with permutation-invariant random edges. We present an approximation algorithm for the Balanced Cut problem that finds a balanced cut of cost $O(|E_{random}|) + n \text{polylog}(n)$ in this model. In the regime when $|E_{random}| = \Omega(n \text{polylog}(n))$, this is a constant factor approximation with respect to the cost of the planted cut.
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