Convergence Analysis of Weighted-Median Opinion Dynamics with Prejudice
The Friedkin-Johnsen (FJ) model introduces prejudice into the opinion evolution and has been successfully validated in many practical scenarios; however, due to its weighted average mechanism, only one prejudiced agent can always guide all unprejudiced agents synchronizing to its prejudice under the connected influence network, which may not be in line with some social realities. To fundamentally address the limitation of the weighted average mechanism, a weighted-median opinion dynamics has been recently proposed; however, its theoretical analysis is challenging due to its nonlinear nature. This paper studies the weighted-median opinion dynamics with prejudice, and obtains the convergence and convergence rate when all agents have prejudice, and a necessary and sufficient condition for asymptotic consensus when a portion of agents have prejudice. These results are the first time to analyze the discrete-time and synchronous opinion dynamics with the weighted median mechanism, and address the phenomenon of the FJ model that connectivity leads to consensus when a few agents with the same prejudice join in an unprejudiced group.
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