Deep Learning for Multi-Level Detection and Localization of Myocardial Scars Based on Regional Strain Validated on Virtual Patients

How well the heart is functioning can be quantified through measurements of myocardial deformation via echocardiography. Clinical assessment of cardiac function is generally focused on global indices of relative shortening, however, territorial, and segmental strain indices have shown to be abnormal in regions of myocardial disease, such as scar. In this work, we propose a single framework to predict myocardial disease substrates at global, territorial, and segmental levels using regional myocardial strain traces as input to a convolutional neural network (CNN)-based classification algorithm. An anatomically meaningful representation of the input data from the clinically standard bullseye representation to a multi-channel 2D image is proposed, to formulate the task as an image classification problem, thus enabling the use of state-of-the-art neural network configurations. A Fully Convolutional Network (FCN) is trained to detect and localize myocardial scar from regional left ventricular (LV) strain patterns. Simulated regional strain data from a controlled dataset of virtual patients with varying degrees and locations of myocardial scar is used for training and validation. The proposed method successfully detects and localizes the scars on 98% of the 5490 left ventricle (LV) segments of the 305 patients in the test set using strain traces only. Due to the sparse existence of scar, only 10% of the LV segments in the virtual patient cohort have scar. Taking the imbalance into account, the class balanced accuracy is calculated as 95%. The performance is reported on global, territorial, and segmental levels. The proposed method proves successful on the strain traces of the virtual cohort and offers the potential to solve the regional myocardial scar detection problem on the strain traces of the real patient cohorts.

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