Detecting Hate Speech in Memes Using Multimodal Deep Learning Approaches: Prize-winning solution to Hateful Memes Challenge

23 Dec 2020  ·  Riza Velioglu, Jewgeni Rose ·

Memes on the Internet are often harmless and sometimes amusing. However, by using certain types of images, text, or combinations of both, the seemingly harmless meme becomes a multimodal type of hate speech -- a hateful meme. The Hateful Memes Challenge is a first-of-its-kind competition which focuses on detecting hate speech in multimodal memes and it proposes a new data set containing 10,000+ new examples of multimodal content. We utilize VisualBERT -- which meant to be the BERT of vision and language -- that was trained multimodally on images and captions and apply Ensemble Learning. Our approach achieves 0.811 AUROC with an accuracy of 0.765 on the challenge test set and placed third out of 3,173 participants in the Hateful Memes Challenge.

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Results from the Paper

Ranked #8 on Meme Classification on Hateful Memes (using extra training data)

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Task Dataset Model Metric Name Metric Value Global Rank Uses Extra
Training Data
Result Benchmark
Meme Classification Hateful Memes HateDetectron27 ROC-AUC 0.811 # 8
