EGCN: An Ensemble-based Learning Framework for Exploring Effective Skeleton-based Rehabilitation Exercise Assessment

Recently, some skeleton-based physical therapy systems have been attempted to automatically evaluate the correctness or quality of an exercise performed by rehabilitation subjects. However, in terms of algorithms and evaluation criteria, the task remains not fully explored regarding making full use of different skeleton features. To advance the prior work, we propose a learning framework called Ensemble-based Graph Convolutional Network (EGCN) for skeleton-based rehabilitation exercise assessment. As far as we know, this is the first attempt that utilizes both two skeleton feature groups and investigates different ensemble strategies for the task. We also examine the properness of existing evaluation criteria and focus on evaluating the prediction ability of our proposed method. We then conduct extensive cross-validation experiments on two latest public datasets: UI-PRMD and KIMORE. Results indicate that the model-level ensemble scheme of our EGCN achieves better performance than existing methods. Code is available:

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Results from the Paper

Task Dataset Model Metric Name Metric Value Global Rank Benchmark
Action Assessment EHE EGCN Prediction Accuracy 82.41 # 1
Action Assessment KIMORE EGCN Prediction Accuracy 80.1 # 1
Action Assessment UI-PRMD EGCN Prediction Accuracy 86.9 # 1


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