Face Search at Scale: 80 Million Gallery
Due to the prevalence of social media websites, one challenge facing computer vision researchers is to devise methods to process and search for persons of interest among the billions of shared photos on these websites. Facebook revealed in a 2013 white paper that its users have uploaded more than 250 billion photos, and are uploading 350 million new photos each day. Due to this humongous amount of data, large-scale face search for mining web images is both important and challenging. Despite significant progress in face recognition, searching a large collection of unconstrained face images has not been adequately addressed. To address this challenge, we propose a face search system which combines a fast search procedure, coupled with a state-of-the-art commercial off the shelf (COTS) matcher, in a cascaded framework. Given a probe face, we first filter the large gallery of photos to find the top-k most similar faces using deep features generated from a convolutional neural network. The k candidates are re-ranked by combining similarities from deep features and the COTS matcher. We evaluate the proposed face search system on a gallery containing 80 million web-downloaded face images. Experimental results demonstrate that the deep features are competitive with state-of-the-art methods on unconstrained face recognition benchmarks (LFW and IJB-A). Further, the proposed face search system offers an excellent trade-off between accuracy and scalability on datasets consisting of millions of images. Additionally, in an experiment involving searching for face images of the Tsarnaev brothers, convicted of the Boston Marathon bombing, the proposed face search system could find the younger brother's (Dzhokhar Tsarnaev) photo at rank 1 in 1 second on a 5M gallery and at rank 8 in 7 seconds on an 80M gallery.
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