Fair Correlation Clustering
In this paper we study the problem of correlation clustering under fairness constraints. In the classic correlation clustering problem, we are given a complete graph where each edge is labeled positive or negative. The goal is to obtain a clustering of the vertices that minimizes disagreements -- the number of negative edges trapped inside a cluster plus positive edges between different clusters. We consider two variations of fairness constraint for the problem of correlation clustering where each node has a color, and the goal is to form clusters that do not over-represent vertices of any color. The first variant aims to generate clusters with minimum disagreements, where the distribution of a feature (e.g. gender) in each cluster is same as the global distribution. For the case of two colors when the desired ratio of the number of colors in each cluster is $1:p$, we get $\mathcal{O}(p^2)$-approximation algorithm. Our algorithm could be extended to the case of multiple colors. We prove this problem is NP-hard. The second variant considers relative upper and lower bounds on the number of nodes of any color in a cluster. The goal is to avoid violating upper and lower bounds corresponding to each color in each cluster while minimizing the total number of disagreements. Along with our theoretical results, we show the effectiveness of our algorithm to generate fair clusters by empirical evaluation on real world data sets.
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