Fine-grained Language Identification with Multilingual CapsNet Model

12 Jul 2020  ·  Mudit Verma, Arun Balaji Buduru ·

Due to a drastic improvement in the quality of internet services worldwide, there is an explosion of multilingual content generation and consumption. This is especially prevalent in countries with large multilingual audience, who are increasingly consuming media outside their linguistic familiarity/preference. Hence, there is an increasing need for real-time and fine-grained content analysis services, including language identification, content transcription, and analysis. Accurate and fine-grained spoken language detection is an essential first step for all the subsequent content analysis algorithms. Current techniques in spoken language detection may lack on one of these fronts: accuracy, fine-grained detection, data requirements, manual effort in data collection \& pre-processing. Hence in this work, a real-time language detection approach to detect spoken language from 5 seconds' audio clips with an accuracy of 91.8\% is presented with exiguous data requirements and minimal pre-processing. Novel architectures for Capsule Networks is proposed which operates on spectrogram images of the provided audio snippets. We use previous approaches based on Recurrent Neural Networks and iVectors to present the results. Finally we show a ``Non-Class'' analysis to further stress on why CapsNet architecture works for LID task.

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