Hierarchical a posteriori error estimation of Bank-Weiser type in the FEniCS Project

8 Feb 2021  ·  Raphaël Bulle, Jack S. Hale, Alexei Lozinski, Stéphane P. A. Bordas, Franz Chouly ·

In the seminal paper of Bank and Weiser [Math. Comp., 44 (1985), pp.283-301] a new a posteriori estimator was introduced. This estimator requires the solution of a local Neumann problem on every cell of the finite element mesh. Despite the promise of Bank-Weiser type estimators, namely locality, computational efficiency, and asymptotic sharpness, they have seen little use in practical computational problems. The focus of this contribution is to describe a novel implementation of hierarchical estimators of the Bank-Weiser type in a modern high-level finite element software with automatic code generation capabilities. We show how to use the estimator to drive (goal-oriented) adaptive mesh refinement and to mixed approximations of the nearly-incompressible elasticity problems. We provide comparisons with various other used estimators. An open-source implementation based on the FEniCS Project finite element software is provided as supplementary material.

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