High-Dimensional Gaussian Process Regression with Soft Kernel Interpolation
We introduce Soft Kernel Interpolation (SoftKI) designed for scalable Gaussian Process (GP) regression on high-dimensional datasets. Inspired by Structured Kernel Interpolation (SKI), which approximates a GP kernel via interpolation from a structured lattice, SoftKI approximates a kernel via softmax interpolation from a smaller number of learned interpolation (i.e, inducing) points. By abandoning the lattice structure used in SKI-based methods, SoftKI separates the cost of forming an approximate GP kernel from the dimensionality of the data, making it well-suited for high-dimensional datasets. We demonstrate the effectiveness of SoftKI across various examples, and demonstrate that its accuracy exceeds that of other scalable GP methods when the data dimensionality is modest (around $10$).
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