Intelligent Crack Detection and Quantification in the Concrete Bridge: A Deep Learning-Assisted Image Processing Approach

Copyright © 2022 Licun Yu et al. .is is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited. We proposed a modified concrete bridge crack detector based on a deep learning-assisted image processing approach. Data augmentation technology is introduced to extend the limited dataset. In our proposed method, the bounding box for the crack is detected by YOLOv5. .en, the image covered by the bounding box is processed by the image processing techniques. Compared with the conventional image processing-based crack detection method, the deep learning-assisted image processing approach leads to higher detection accuracy and lower computation cost. More precisely, the mask filter is employed to remove handwritten marks, and the ratio filter is adopted to eliminate speckle linear noises. When a single crack is detected by several bounding boxes, we proposed a novel fusion method to merge these bounding boxes. Furthermore, we proposed a connected component search approach based on the crack trend of the area to improve the connection accuracy. With the crack detector, the cracks that are wider than 0.15 mm can be correctly detected, quantified, and visualized. .e detection absolute error of the crack width is less than 0.05 mm. .us, we realized fast and precise detection and quantification of bridge crack based on the practical engineering dataset.

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