
Interactive Example-based Explanations to Improve Health Professionals' Onboarding with AI for Human-AI Collaborative Decision Making

A growing research explores the usage of AI explanations on user's decision phases for human-AI collaborative decision-making. However, previous studies found the issues of overreliance on `wrong' AI outputs. In this paper, we propose interactive example-based explanations to improve health professionals' onboarding with AI for their better reliance on AI during AI-assisted decision-making. We implemented an AI-based decision support system that utilizes a neural network to assess the quality of post-stroke survivors' exercises and interactive example-based explanations that systematically surface the nearest neighborhoods of a test/task sample from the training set of the AI model to assist users' onboarding with the AI model. To investigate the effect of interactive example-based explanations, we conducted a study with domain experts, health professionals to evaluate their performance and reliance on AI. Our interactive example-based explanations during onboarding assisted health professionals in having a better reliance on AI and making a higher ratio of making `right' decisions and a lower ratio of `wrong' decisions than providing only feature-based explanations during the decision-support phase. Our study discusses new challenges of assisting user's onboarding with AI for human-AI collaborative decision-making.

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