Iterative Document Representation Learning Towards Summarization with Polishing

In this paper, we introduce Iterative Text Summarization (ITS), an iteration-based model for supervised extractive text summarization, inspired by the observation that it is often necessary for a human to read an article multiple times in order to fully understand and summarize its contents. Current summarization approaches read through a document only once to generate a document representation, resulting in a sub-optimal representation. To address this issue we introduce a model which iteratively polishes the document representation on many passes through the document. As part of our model, we also introduce a selective reading mechanism that decides more accurately the extent to which each sentence in the model should be updated. Experimental results on the CNN/DailyMail and DUC2002 datasets demonstrate that our model significantly outperforms state-of-the-art extractive systems when evaluated by machines and by humans.

PDF Abstract EMNLP 2018 PDF EMNLP 2018 Abstract


Task Dataset Model Metric Name Metric Value Global Rank Result Benchmark
Extractive Text Summarization CNN / Daily Mail ITS ROUGE-2 12.6 # 14
ROUGE-1 30.80 # 14


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