Learning Quantum Graphical Models using Constrained Gradient Descent on the Stiefel Manifold
Quantum graphical models (QGMs) extend the classical framework for reasoning about uncertainty by incorporating the quantum mechanical view of probability. Prior work on QGMs has focused on hidden quantum Markov models (HQMMs), which can be formulated using quantum analogues of the sum rule and Bayes rule used in classical graphical models. Despite the focus on developing the QGM framework, there has been little progress in learning these models from data. The existing state-of-the-art approach randomly initializes parameters and iteratively finds unitary transformations that increase the likelihood of the data. While this algorithm demonstrated theoretical strengths of HQMMs over HMMs, it is slow and can only handle a small number of hidden states. In this paper, we tackle the learning problem by solving a constrained optimization problem on the Stiefel manifold using a well-known retraction-based algorithm. We demonstrate that this approach is not only faster and yields better solutions on several datasets, but also scales to larger models that were prohibitively slow to train via the earlier method.
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