LiDAR-CS Dataset: LiDAR Point Cloud Dataset with Cross-Sensors for 3D Object Detection
Over the past few years, there has been remarkable progress in research on 3D point clouds and their use in autonomous driving scenarios has become widespread. However, deep learning methods heavily rely on annotated data and often face domain generalization issues. Unlike 2D images whose domains usually pertain to the texture information present in them, the features derived from a 3D point cloud are affected by the distribution of the points. The lack of a 3D domain adaptation benchmark leads to the common practice of training a model on one benchmark (e.g. Waymo) and then assessing it on another dataset (e.g. KITTI). This setting results in two distinct domain gaps: scenarios and sensors, making it difficult to analyze and evaluate the method accurately. To tackle this problem, this paper presents LiDAR Dataset with Cross Sensors (LiDAR-CS Dataset), which contains large-scale annotated LiDAR point cloud under six groups of different sensors but with the same corresponding scenarios, captured from hybrid realistic LiDAR simulator. To our knowledge, LiDAR-CS Dataset is the first dataset that addresses the sensor-related gaps in the domain of 3D object detection in real traffic. Furthermore, we evaluate and analyze the performance using various baseline detectors and demonstrated its potential applications. Project page:
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