Low-Complexity Vector Quantized Compressed Sensing via Deep Neural Networks
Sparse signals, encountered in many wireless and signal acquisition applications, can be acquired via compressed sensing (CS) to reduce computations and transmissions, crucial for resource-limited devices, e.g., wireless sensors. Since the information signals are often continuous-valued, digital communication of compressive measurements requires quantization. In such a quantized compressed sensing (QCS) context, we address remote acquisition of a sparse source through vector quantized noisy compressive measurements. We propose a deep encoder-decoder architecture, consisting of an encoder deep neural network (DNN), a quantizer, and a decoder DNN, that realizes low-complexity vector quantization aiming at minimizing the mean-square error of the signal reconstruction for a given quantization rate. We devise a supervised learning method using stochastic gradient descent and backpropagation to train the system blocks. Strategies to overcome the vanishing gradient problem are proposed. Simulation results show that the proposed non-iterative DNN-based QCS method achieves higher rate-distortion performance with lower algorithm complexity as compared to standard QCS methods, conducive to delay-sensitive applications with large-scale signals.
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