Mask Transfiner for High-Quality Instance Segmentation

Two-stage and query-based instance segmentation methods have achieved remarkable results. However, their segmented masks are still very coarse. In this paper, we present Mask Transfiner for high-quality and efficient instance segmentation. Instead of operating on regular dense tensors, our Mask Transfiner decomposes and represents the image regions as a quadtree. Our transformer-based approach only processes detected error-prone tree nodes and self-corrects their errors in parallel. While these sparse pixels only constitute a small proportion of the total number, they are critical to the final mask quality. This allows Mask Transfiner to predict highly accurate instance masks, at a low computational cost. Extensive experiments demonstrate that Mask Transfiner outperforms current instance segmentation methods on three popular benchmarks, significantly improving both two-stage and query-based frameworks by a large margin of +3.0 mask AP on COCO and BDD100K, and +6.6 boundary AP on Cityscapes. Our code and trained models will be available at

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Results from the Paper

Task Dataset Model Metric Name Metric Value Global Rank Result Benchmark
Instance Segmentation BDD100K val Mask Transfiner AP 23.6 # 1
Instance Segmentation COCO 2017 val Mask Transfiner (R50-FPN) mask AP* 43.1 # 2
Instance Segmentation COCO test-dev Mask Transfiner(ResNet101-FPN) mask AP 42.2 # 53


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