Mission-driven Exploration for Accelerated Deep Reinforcement Learning with Temporal Logic Task Specifications

28 Nov 2023  ·  Jun Wang, Hosein Hasanbeig, Kaiyuan Tan, Zihe Sun, Yiannis Kantaros ·

This paper addresses the problem of designing optimal control policies for mobile robots with mission and safety requirements specified using Linear Temporal Logic (LTL). We consider robots with unknown stochastic dynamics operating in environments with unknown geometric structure. The robots are equipped with sensors allowing them to detect obstacles. Our goal is to synthesize a control policy that maximizes the probability of satisfying an LTL-encoded task in the presence of motion and environmental uncertainty. Several deep reinforcement learning (DRL) algorithms have been proposed recently to address similar problems. A common limitation in related works is that of slow learning performance. In order to address this issue, we propose a novel DRL algorithm, which has the capability to learn control policies at a notably faster rate compared to similar methods. Its sample efficiency is due to a mission-driven exploration strategy that prioritizes exploration towards directions that may contribute to mission accomplishment. Identifying these directions relies on an automaton representation of the LTL task as well as a learned neural network that (partially) models the unknown system dynamics. We provide comparative experiments demonstrating the efficiency of our algorithm on robot navigation tasks in unknown environments.

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