Nonlinear Optical Data Transformer for Machine Learning

Modern machine learning models use an ever-increasing number of parameters to train (175 billion parameters for GPT-3) with large datasets to obtain better performance. Bigger is better has been the norm. Optical computing has been reawakened as a potential solution to large-scale computing through optical accelerators that carry out linear operations while reducing electrical power. However, to achieve efficient computing with light, creating and controlling nonlinearity optically rather than electronically remains a challenge. This study explores a reservoir computing (RC) approach whereby a 14 mm long few-mode waveguide in LiNbO3 on insulator is used as a complex nonlinear optical processor. A dataset is encoded digitally on the spectrum of a femtosecond pulse which is then launched in the waveguide. The output spectrum depends nonlinearly on the input. We experimentally show that a simple digital linear classifier with 784 parameters using the output spectrum from the waveguide as input increased the classification accuracy of several databases compared to non-transformed data, approximately 10$\%$. In comparison, a deep digital neural network (NN) with 40000 parameters was necessary to achieve the same accuracy. Reducing the number of parameters by a factor of $\sim$50 illustrates that a compact optical RC approach can perform on par with a deep digital NN.

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