Nuclear Norm Regularization for Deep Learning

23 May 2024  ·  Christopher Scarvelis, Justin Solomon ·

Penalizing the nuclear norm of a function's Jacobian encourages it to locally behave like a low-rank linear map. Such functions vary locally along only a handful of directions, making the Jacobian nuclear norm a natural regularizer for machine learning problems. However, this regularizer is intractable for high-dimensional problems, as it requires computing a large Jacobian matrix and taking its singular value decomposition. We show how to efficiently penalize the Jacobian nuclear norm using techniques tailor-made for deep learning. We prove that for functions parametrized as compositions $f = g \circ h$, one may equivalently penalize the average squared Frobenius norm of $Jg$ and $Jh$. We then propose a denoising-style approximation that avoids the Jacobian computations altogether. Our method is simple, efficient, and accurate, enabling Jacobian nuclear norm regularization to scale to high-dimensional deep learning problems. We complement our theory with an empirical study of our regularizer's performance and investigate applications to denoising and representation learning.

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