Offline handwritten mathematical symbol recognition utilising deep learning
This paper describes an approach for offline recognition of handwritten mathematical symbols. The process of symbol recognition in this paper includes symbol segmentation and accurate classification for over 300 classes. Many multidimensional mathematical symbols need both horizontal and vertical projection to be segmented. However, some symbols do not permit to be projected and stop segmentation, such as the root symbol. Besides, many mathematical symbols are structurally similar, specifically in handwritten such as 0 and null. There are more than 300 Mathematical symbols. Therefore, designing an accurate classifier for more than 300 classes is required. This paper initially addresses the issue regarding segmentation using Simple Linear Iterative Clustering (SLIC). Experimental results indicate that the accuracy of the designed kNN classifier is 84% for salient, 57% Histogram of Oriented Gradient (HOG), 53% for Linear Binary Pattern (LBP) and finally 43% for pixel intensity of raw image for 66 classes. 87 classes using modified LeNet represents 90% accuracy. Finally, for 101 classes, SqueezeNet ac
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