OPDR: Order-Preserving Dimension Reduction for Semantic Embedding of Multimodal Scientific Data

15 Aug 2024  ·  Chengyu Gong, Gefei Shen, Luanzheng Guo, Nathan Tallent, Dongfang Zhao ·

One of the most common operations in multimodal scientific data management is searching for the $k$ most similar items (or, $k$-nearest neighbors, KNN) from the database after being provided a new item. Although recent advances of multimodal machine learning models offer a \textit{semantic} index, the so-called \textit{embedding vectors} mapped from the original multimodal data, the dimension of the resulting embedding vectors are usually on the order of hundreds or a thousand, which are impractically high for time-sensitive scientific applications. This work proposes to reduce the dimensionality of the output embedding vectors such that the set of top-$k$ nearest neighbors do not change in the lower-dimensional space, namely Order-Preserving Dimension Reduction (OPDR). In order to develop such an OPDR method, our central hypothesis is that by analyzing the intrinsic relationship among key parameters during the dimension-reduction map, a quantitative function may be constructed to reveal the correlation between the target (lower) dimensionality and other variables. To demonstrate the hypothesis, this paper first defines a formal measure function to quantify the KNN similarity for a specific vector, then extends the measure into an aggregate accuracy of the global metric spaces, and finally derives a closed-form function between the target (lower) dimensionality and other variables. We incorporate the closed-function into popular dimension-reduction methods, various distance metrics, and embedding models.

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