Over-parametrized neural networks as under-determined linear systems

29 Oct 2020  ·  Austin R. Benson, Anil Damle, Alex Townsend ·

We draw connections between simple neural networks and under-determined linear systems to comprehensively explore several interesting theoretical questions in the study of neural networks. First, we emphatically show that it is unsurprising such networks can achieve zero training loss. More specifically, we provide lower bounds on the width of a single hidden layer neural network such that only training the last linear layer suffices to reach zero training loss. Our lower bounds grow more slowly with data set size than existing work that trains the hidden layer weights. Second, we show that kernels typically associated with the ReLU activation function have fundamental flaws -- there are simple data sets where it is impossible for widely studied bias-free models to achieve zero training loss irrespective of how the parameters are chosen or trained. Lastly, our analysis of gradient descent clearly illustrates how spectral properties of certain matrices impact both the early iteration and long-term training behavior. We propose new activation functions that avoid the pitfalls of ReLU in that they admit zero training loss solutions for any set of distinct data points and experimentally exhibit favorable spectral properties.

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