Peak Age of Information Distribution in Tandem Queue Systems

10 Apr 2020  ·  Federico Chiariotti, Olga Vikhrova, Beatriz Soret, Petar Popovski ·

Age of Information is a critical metric for several Internet of Things (IoT) applications, where sensors keep track of the environment by sending updates that need to be as fresh as possible. Knowing the full distribution of the Peak Age of Information (PAoI) allows system designers to tune the protocols and dimension the network to provide reliability using the tail of the distribution as well as the average. In this letter we consider the most common relaying scenario in satellite communications, which consists of two subsequent links, model it as a tandem queue with two consecutive M/M/1 systems, and derive the complete peak age distribution.

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Networking and Internet Architecture 60K25, 68M20 C.2.2; G.3


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