Photorealistic Image Synthesis for Object Instance Detection

We present an approach to synthesize highly photorealistic images of 3D object models, which we use to train a convolutional neural network for detecting the objects in real images. The proposed approach has three key ingredients: (1) 3D object models are rendered in 3D models of complete scenes with realistic materials and lighting, (2) plausible geometric configuration of objects and cameras in a scene is generated using physics simulations, and (3) high photorealism of the synthesized images achieved by physically based rendering. When trained on images synthesized by the proposed approach, the Faster R-CNN object detector achieves a 24% absolute improvement of mAP@.75IoU on Rutgers APC and 11% on LineMod-Occluded datasets, compared to a baseline where the training images are synthesized by rendering object models on top of random photographs. This work is a step towards being able to effectively train object detectors without capturing or annotating any real images. A dataset of 600K synthetic images with ground truth annotations for various computer vision tasks will be released on the project website:

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