Preference-based Pure Exploration

4 Dec 2024  ·  Apurv Shukla, Debabrota Basu ·

We study the preference-based pure exploration problem for bandits with vector-valued rewards. The rewards are ordered using a (given) preference cone $\mathcal{C}$ and our goal is to identify the set of Pareto optimal arms. First, to quantify the impact of preferences, we derive a novel lower bound on sample complexity for identifying the most preferred policy with a confidence level $1-\delta$. Our lower bound elicits the role played by the geometry of the preference cone and punctuates the difference in hardness compared to existing best-arm identification variants of the problem. We further explicate this geometry when the rewards follow Gaussian distributions. We then provide a convex relaxation of the lower bound and leverage it to design the Preference-based Track and Stop (PreTS) algorithm that identifies the most preferred policy. Finally, we show that the sample complexity of PreTS is asymptotically tight by deriving a new concentration inequality for vector-valued rewards.

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