Proto-OOD: Enhancing OOD Object Detection with Prototype Feature Similarity

9 Sep 2024  ·  Junkun Chen, Jilin Mei, Liang Chen, Fangzhou Zhao, Yu Hu ·

The limited training samples for object detectors commonly result in low accuracy out-of-distribution (OOD) object detection. We have observed that feature vectors of the same class tend to cluster tightly in feature space, whereas those of different classes are more scattered. This insight motivates us to leverage feature similarity for OOD detection. Drawing on the concept of prototypes prevalent in few-shot learning, we introduce a novel network architecture, Proto-OOD, designed for this purpose. Proto-OOD enhances prototype representativeness through contrastive loss and identifies OOD data by assessing the similarity between input features and prototypes. It employs a negative embedding generator to create negative embedding, which are then used to train the similarity module. Proto-OOD achieves significantly lower FPR95 in MS-COCO dataset and higher mAP for Pascal VOC dataset, when utilizing Pascal VOC as ID dataset and MS-COCO as OOD dataset. Additionally, we identify limitations in existing evaluation metrics and propose an enhanced evaluation protocol.

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