Provable Advantage of Parameterized Quantum Circuit in Function Approximation
Understanding the power of parameterized quantum circuits (PQCs) in accomplishing machine learning tasks is one of the most important questions in quantum machine learning. In this paper, we analyze the expressivity of PQCs through the lens of function approximation. Previously established universal approximation theorems for PQCs are mainly nonconstructive, leading us to the following question: How large do the PQCs need to be to approximate the target function up to a given error? We exhibit explicit constructions of data re-uploading PQCs for approximating continuous and smooth functions and establish quantitative approximation error bounds in terms of the width, the depth and the number of trainable parameters of the PQCs. To achieve this, we utilize techniques from quantum signal processing and linear combinations of unitaries to construct PQCs that implement multivariate polynomials. We implement global and local approximation techniques using Bernstein polynomials and local Taylor expansion and analyze their performances in the quantum setting. We also compare our proposed PQCs to nearly optimal deep neural networks in approximating high-dimensional smooth functions, showing that the ratio between model sizes of PQC and deep neural networks is exponentially small with respect to the input dimension. This suggests a potentially novel avenue for showcasing quantum advantages in quantum machine learning.
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