
Reducing Uncertainty in Undersampled MRI Reconstruction with Active Acquisition

The goal of MRI reconstruction is to restore a high fidelity image from partially observed measurements. This partial view naturally induces reconstruction uncertainty that can only be reduced by acquiring additional measurements. In this paper, we present a novel method for MRI reconstruction that, at inference time, dynamically selects the measurements to take and iteratively refines the prediction in order to best reduce the reconstruction error and, thus, its uncertainty. We validate our method on a large scale knee MRI dataset, as well as on ImageNet. Results show that (1) our system successfully outperforms active acquisition baselines; (2) our uncertainty estimates correlate with error maps; and (3) our ResNet-based architecture surpasses standard pixel-to-pixel models in the task of MRI reconstruction. The proposed method not only shows high-quality reconstructions but also paves the road towards more applicable solutions for accelerating MRI.

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