Retargeting video with an end-to-end framework
Video holds significance in computer graphics applications. Because of the heterogeneous of digital devices, retargeting videos becomes an essential function to enhance user viewing experience in such applications. In the research of video retargeting, preserving the relevant visual content in videos, avoiding flicking, and processing time are the vital challenges. Extending image retargeting techniques to the video domain is challenging due to the high running time. Prior work of video retargeting mainly utilizes time-consuming preprocessing to analyze frames. Plus, being tolerant of different video content, avoiding important objects from shrinking, and the ability to play with arbitrary ratios are the limitations that need to be resolved in these systems requiring investigation. In this paper, we present an end-to-end RETVI method to retarget videos to arbitrary aspect ratios. We eliminate the computational bottleneck in the conventional approaches by designing RETVI with two modules, content feature analyzer (CFA) and adaptive deforming estimator (ADE). The extensive experiments and evaluations show that our system outperforms previous work in quality and running time. Visit our project website for more results at
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