Robust Improvement of the Age of Information by Adaptive Packet Coding

9 Dec 2020  ·  Maice Costa, Yalin Sagduyu, Tugba Erpek, Muriel Médard ·

We consider a wireless communication network with an adaptive scheme to select the number of packets to be admitted and encoded for each transmission, and characterize the information timeliness. For a network of erasure channels and discrete time, we provide closed form expressions for the Average and Peak Age of Information (AoI) as functions of admission control and adaptive coding parameters, the feedback delay, and the maximum feasible end-to-end rate that depends on channel conditions and network topology. These new results guide the system design for robust improvements of the AoI when transmitting time sensitive information in the presence of topology and channel changes. We illustrate the benefits of using adaptive packet coding to improve information timeliness by characterizing the network performance with respect to the AoI along with its relationship to throughput (rate of successfully decoded packets at the destination) and per-packet delay. We show that significant AoI performance gains can be obtained in comparison to the uncoded case, and that these gains are robust to network variations as channel conditions and network topology change.

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Information Theory Information Theory H.1.1, E.4


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