Semantic Structure Enhanced Contrastive Adversarial Hash Network for Cross-media Representation Learning
Deep cross-media hashing technology provides an efficient cross-media representation learning solution for cross-media search. However, the existing methods do not consider both fine-grained semantic features and semantic structures to mine implicit cross-media semantic associations, which leads to weaker semantic discrimination and consistency for cross-media representation. To tackle this problem, we propose a novel semantic structure enhanced contrastive adversarial hash network for cross-media representation learning (SCAHN). Firstly, in order to capture more fine-grained cross-media semantic associations, a fine-grained cross-media attention feature learning network is constructed, thus the learned saliency features of different modalities are more conducive to cross-media semantic alignment and fusion. Secondly, for further improving learning ability of implicit cross-media semantic associations, a semantic label association graph is constructed, and the graph convolutional network is utilized to mine the implicit semantic structures, thus guiding learning of discriminative features of different modalities. Thirdly, a cross-media and intra-media contrastive adversarial representation learning mechanism is proposed to further enhance the semantic discriminativeness of different modal representations, and a dual-way adversarial learning strategy is developed to maximize cross-media semantic associations, so as to obtain cross-media unified representations with stronger discriminativeness and semantic consistency preserving power. Extensive experiments on several cross-media benchmark datasets demonstrate that the proposed SCAHN outperforms the state-of-the-art methods.
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