ShadowFormer: Global Context Helps Image Shadow Removal

3 Feb 2023  ยท  Lanqing Guo, Siyu Huang, Ding Liu, Hao Cheng, Bihan Wen ยท

Recent deep learning methods have achieved promising results in image shadow removal. However, most of the existing approaches focus on working locally within shadow and non-shadow regions, resulting in severe artifacts around the shadow boundaries as well as inconsistent illumination between shadow and non-shadow regions. It is still challenging for the deep shadow removal model to exploit the global contextual correlation between shadow and non-shadow regions. In this work, we first propose a Retinex-based shadow model, from which we derive a novel transformer-based network, dubbed ShandowFormer, to exploit non-shadow regions to help shadow region restoration. A multi-scale channel attention framework is employed to hierarchically capture the global information. Based on that, we propose a Shadow-Interaction Module (SIM) with Shadow-Interaction Attention (SIA) in the bottleneck stage to effectively model the context correlation between shadow and non-shadow regions. We conduct extensive experiments on three popular public datasets, including ISTD, ISTD+, and SRD, to evaluate the proposed method. Our method achieves state-of-the-art performance by using up to 150X fewer model parameters.

PDF Abstract


Results from the Paper

Task Dataset Model Metric Name Metric Value Global Rank Result Benchmark
Shadow Removal ISTD ShadowFormer RMSE 4.79 # 1
Shadow Removal ISTD+ ShadowFormer (AAAI 2023) (512x512) RMSE 3.06 # 6
PSNR 28.07 # 5
SSIM 0.847 # 8
LPIPS 0.204 # 5
Shadow Removal ISTD+ ShadowFormer (AAAI 2023) (256x256) RMSE 3.45 # 18
PSNR 26.55 # 15
SSIM 0.728 # 15
LPIPS 0.35 # 14
Shadow Removal SRD ShadowFormer (AAAI 2023) (512x512) RMSE 3.9 # 6
PSNR 25.6 # 6
SSIM 0.819 # 3
LPIPS 0.228 # 3
Shadow Removal SRD ShadowFormer (AAAI 2023) (256x256) RMSE 4.44 # 17
PSNR 24.28 # 17
SSIM 0.715 # 16
LPIPS 0.348 # 16
