Stochastic Layer-Wise Shuffle: A Good Practice to Improve Vision Mamba Training
Recent Vision Mamba models not only have much lower complexity for processing higher resolution images and longer videos but also the competitive performance with Vision Transformers (ViTs). However, they are stuck into overfitting and thus only present up to base size (about 80M). It is still unclear how vanilla Vision Mamba (Vim) can be efficiently scaled up to larger sizes, which is essentially for further exploitation. In this paper, we propose a stochastic layer-wise shuffle regularization, which empowers successfully scaling non-hierarchical Vision Mamba to a large size (about 300M) in a supervised setting. Specifically, our base and large-scale ShuffleMamba models can outperform the supervised ViTs of similar size by 0.8\% and 1.0\% classification accuracy on ImageNet1k, respectively, without auxiliary data. When evaluated on the ADE20K semantic segmentation and COCO detection tasks, our ShuffleMamba models also show significant improvements. Without bells and whistles, the stochastic layer-wise shuffle has the following highlights: (1) \textit{Plug and play:} it does not change model architectures and will be omitted in inference. (2) \textit{Simple but effective:} it can improve the overfitting in Vim training and only introduce random token permutation operations. (3) \textit{Intuitive:} the token sequences in deeper layers are more likely to be shuffled as they are expected to be more semantic and less sensitive to patch positions. Code and models will be available at
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