Streaming Transformer-based Acoustic Models Using Self-attention with Augmented Memory
Transformer-based acoustic modeling has achieved great suc-cess for both hybrid and sequence-to-sequence speech recogni-tion. However, it requires access to the full sequence, and thecomputational cost grows quadratically with respect to the in-put sequence length. These factors limit its adoption for stream-ing applications. In this work, we proposed a novel augmentedmemory self-attention, which attends on a short segment of theinput sequence and a bank of memories. The memory bankstores the embedding information for all the processed seg-ments. On the librispeech benchmark, our proposed methodoutperforms all the existing streamable transformer methods bya large margin and achieved over 15% relative error reduction,compared with the widely used LC-BLSTM baseline. Our find-ings are also confirmed on some large internal datasets.
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