
StructRe: Rewriting for Structured Shape Modeling

Man-made 3D shapes are naturally organized in parts and hierarchies; such structures provide important constraints for shape reconstruction and generation. Modeling shape structures is difficult, because there can be multiple hierarchies for a given shape, causing ambiguity, and across different categories the shape structures are correlated with semantics, limiting generalization. We present StructRe, a structure rewriting system, as a novel approach to structured shape modeling. Given a 3D object represented by points and components, StructRe can rewrite it upward into more concise structures, or downward into more detailed structures; by iterating the rewriting process, hierarchies are obtained. Such a localized rewriting process enables probabilistic modeling of ambiguous structures and robust generalization across object categories. We train StructRe on PartNet data and show its generalization to cross-category and multiple object hierarchies, and test its extension to ShapeNet. We also demonstrate the benefits of probabilistic and generalizable structure modeling for shape reconstruction, generation and editing tasks.

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